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Various real-time techniques to visualize the impact of hurricane Milton in the USA (December 2024).
Visualizing energy labels of various cities in the Netherlands using open data, and BAG 3D buildings. (February 2024).
This animations shows the number of days (in July) the temperature has exceeded the average max temperature. Data from Copernicus (ERA5) (October 2023).
Visualizing the different voltage level networks of the energy infrastructure in The Netherlands. (November 2022).
Animation using GOES-16 ~2TB of satellite data, showing various natural disasters in 2021. Data fetched from AWS (June 2022). UltraHD version can be seen here.
Experimental visualization of global wind using a fur shader. (March 2023).
Various experimental visualization techniques for days of air traffic data. Data from OpenSky Network (January 2022).
Visualizing river discharges in 2020 using various techniques. Data from Copernicus climate data (August 2021).
Visualizing road development in the Netherlands using data from Nationaalwegenbestand. (May 2021)
Experiment to visualize changing of ice thickness over time using different approaches. Data from CMEMS. (January 2021)
Visualization of marine traffic of one month around the U.S coast. This data is available through (December 2020)
Visualization of bus, tram and train GPS locations on a Monday morning! This data is available through NS and NDOV. (November 2020)
Wild fires, hurricanes visualization using ray-marching techniques, data from ECMWF Near real-time.
(October 2020).
Based upon the National Hurricane Center storm track archive, visualization of 50 year of storm tracks.
Visualization of ocean currents (from CMEMS) during various seasons. GPU line generation and compute shader for integration.
Visualizing the urbanization of the Netherlands using OpenStreetMaps building=* data. All buildings rendered in one view.
Using data from Copernicus Climate Data Store to render cloud depth layers in 3D, using voxels.
Train engine and network visualization a single day of the Dutch train network. Data fetched through the NS-API.
First animation that started the Polar Vertex journey: Visualization of Australian bushfires - January 2020. Using VIIRS dataset.